Eccoci nuovamente al lavoro per superare la preselezione: contiamo di produrre una risoluzione meritevole di accesso alla XL (40°) Selezione Nazionale del Parlamento Europeo Giovani (PEG). Il titolo da affrontare è il seguente:
“The climate of growing social, political and economic uncertainty is complicating the European Union’s already stern situation. In a July 2016 report, a leading credit rating agency, Standard & Poor’s, stated that the current political form of the EU is unsustainable. Moreover, decisions made at the European level regarding the refugee crisis and the management of migration flows are often unwelcome by national governments and their citizens. Lastly, the results of the EU membership referendum held in the United Kingdom on 23rd June showed an exemplar divide in the social tissue of one of the most influential Member States. In view of the lack of a clear political plan for the future of the Union, what should the Member States do to relaunch the EU project according to the will and needs of its citizens?”
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